Working with very large fasta datasets

  • Run FastQC on your data to make sure the format/content is what you expect. Run more QA as needed.
    • Search GTN tutorials with the keyword “qa-qc” for examples.
    • Search Galaxy Help with the keywords “qa-qc” and “fasta” for more help.
  • Assembly result?
    • Consider filtering by length to remove reads that did not assemble.
    • Formatting criteria:
      • All sequence identifiers must be unique.
      • Some tools will require that there is no description line content, only identifiers, in the fasta title line (“>” line). Use NormalizeFasta to remove the description (all content after the first whitespace) and wrap the sequences to 80 bases.
  • Custom genome, transcriptome exome?
    • Only appropriate for smaller genomes (bacterial, viral, most insects).
    • Not appropriate for any mammalian genomes, or some plants/fungi.
    • Sequence identifiers must be an exact match with all other inputs or expect problems. See GFF GFT GFF3.
    • Formatting criteria:
      • All sequence identifiers must be unique.
      • ALL tools will require that there is no description content, only identifiers, in the fasta title line (“>” line). Use NormalizeFasta to remove the description (all content after the first whitespace) and wrap the sequences to 80 bases.
      • The only exception is when executing the MakeBLASTdb tool and when the input fasta is in NCBI BLAST format (see the tool form).
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