Organizing the tool panel

Galaxy servers can have a lot of tools available, which can make it challenging to find the tool you are looking for. To help find your favourite tools, you can:

  • Keep a list of your favourite tools to find them back easily later.
    • Adding tools to your favourites
      • Open a tool
      • Click on the star icon galaxy-star next to the tool name to add it to your favourites
    • Viewing your favourite tools
      • Click on the star icon galaxy-star at the top of the Galaxy tool panel (above the tool search bar)
      • This will filter the toolbox to show all your starred tools
  • Change the tool panel view
    • Click on the galaxy-panelview icon at the top of the Galaxy tool panel (above the tool search bar)
    • Here you can view the tools by EDAM ontology terms
      • EDAM Topics (e.g. biology, ecology)
      • EDAM Operations (e.g. quality control, variant analysis)
      • You can always get back to the default view by choosing “Full Tool Panel”
Persistent URL
Resource purlPURL:
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