RO-Crate - Introduction

  • How do I package data in a FAIR way?

  • How can I list the authors of individual files?

  • Can I use multiple licenses in the same data package?

  • How can I visualize JSON-LD metadata?

  • Construct an RO-Crate by hand using JSON

  • Describe each part of the Research Object

  • Learn basic JSON-LD to create FAIR metadata

  • Connect different parts of the Research Object using identifiers

Time estimation: 30 minutes
Level: Introductory Introductory
Supporting Materials:
Published: May 23, 2023
Last modification: Jun 14, 2024
License: © Copyright 2021-2023 University of Technology Sydney, The University of Manchester UK and RO-Crate contributors. Tutorial Content is licensed under Apache-2.0. The GTN Framework is licensed under MIT
purl PURL:
rating Rating: 5.0 (0 recent ratings, 1 all time)
version Revision: 4

This tutorial assumes you have already completed An overview of the RO-Crate concept and its implementations and have a basic understanding of working with JSON.


In this tutorial, we will cover:

  1. Making a folder into an RO-Crate
  2. JSON-LD preamble
  3. RO-Crate Metadata descriptor
  4. RO-Crate Root
  5. Describing the root entity
  6. About cross-references
  7. Data entities
  8. Contextual entities
  9. Detailing licenses
  10. Author
  11. Validating and visualizing
  12. Advanced: Converting JSON-LD to triples
  13. HTML preview
  14. Advanced: Generating HTML preview
  15. Next steps
  16. Copyright and license
    1. Changes

In this tutorial, meant to be read along with the RO-Crate specification, we’ll walk through the initial steps for creating a basic RO-Crate. You are invited to replicate the below steps on your local computer.

Making a folder into an RO-Crate

In the simplest form, to describe some data on disk, an RO-Crate Metadata File is placed in a folder alongside a set of files or folders.

First create a new folder crate1/ and add a single file data.csv to represent our dataset:

"Date","Minimum temperature (°C)","Maximum temperature (°C)","Rainfall (mm)"

Next, to turn this folder into an RO-Crate we need to add the RO-Crate Metadata File, which has a fixed filename. Create the file ro-crate-metadata.json using Visual Studio Code or your favourite editor, then add the following JSON:

  "@context": "",
  "@graph": [


Your folder should now look like this:

Folder listing of crate1, including data.csv and ro-crate-metadata.json. Folder listing of crate1, including data.csv and ro-crate-metadata.json.
Open image in new tab

Figure 1: Any folder can be made into an RO-Crate by adding ro-crate-metadata.json

The presence of the reserved ro-crate-metadata.json filename means that crate1 (and its children) can now be considered to be an RO-Crate. We call the top-level folder of the crate for the RO-Crate Root and can now refer to its content with relative file paths.

We also need to make some declaration within the JSON file to turn it into a valid RO-Crate Metadata Document, explained in the next session.

JSON-LD preamble

The preamble of @context and @graph are JSON-LD structures that help provide global identifiers to the JSON keys and types used in the rest of the RO-Crate document. These will largely map to definitions in the vocabulary, which can be used by RO-Crate extensions to provide additional metadata beyond the RO-Crate specifications. It is this feature of JSON-LD that helps make RO-Crate extensible for many different purposes – this is explored further in the specification’s appendix on JSON-LD. In short, only JSON keys (properties) and types defined this way can be used within the RO-Crate Metadata Document.

However, in the general case it should be sufficient to follow the RO-Crate JSON examples directly without deeper JSON-LD understanding. The RO-Crate Metadata Document contains a flat list of entities as JSON objects in the @graph array. These entities are cross-referenced using @id identifiers, rather than being deeply nested. This is one major difference from JSON structures you may have experienced before. The @type keyword associates an object with a predefined type from the JSON-LD context. Almost any property can alternatively be used with an [] array to provide multiple values.

The rest of this tutorial, and indeed most of the RO-Crate specification, specify which entities can be added to the @graph array.

RO-Crate Metadata descriptor

The first JSON-LD entity to add has the @id value of ro-crate-metadata.json to describe the JSON file itself:

    "@id": "ro-crate-metadata.json",
    "@type": "CreativeWork",
    "conformsTo": {"@id": ""},
    "about": {"@id": "./"}

This required entity, known as the RO-Crate Metadata Descriptor, helps this file self-identify as an RO-Crate Metadata Document, which is conforming to (conformsTo) the RO-Crate specification version 1.1. Notice that the conformsTo URL corresponds to the @context URL version-wise, but they have two different functions. The context brings the defined terms into the metadata document, while the conformance declares which RO-Crate conventions of using those terms are being followed.

This tutorial is written for RO-Crate 1.1, the RO-Crate website will list the current specification version – RO-Crates can generally be upgraded to newer versions following semantic versioning conventions, but check the change log for any important changes. The next development version of the specification, indicated with a -DRAFT status, may still be subject to changes and should only be used with caution.

RO-Crate Root

Next we’ll add another entity to the @graph array, to describe the RO-Crate Root:

    "@id": "./",
    "@type": "Dataset",
    "hasPart": [


By convention, in RO-Crate the @id value of ./ means that this entity describes the folder in which the RO-Crate metadata file is located. This reference from ro-crate-metadata.json is therefore semantically marking the crate1 folder as being the RO-Crate Root.

This example is a folder-based RO-Crate stored on disk, and therefore absolute paths are avoided, e.g. in case the root folder is moved or archived as a ZIP file. If the crate is being served from a Web service, such as a data repository or database where files are not organized in folders, then the @id might be an absolute URI instead of ./ – this is one reason why we point to the root entity from the metadata descriptor, see section Root Data Entity for details.

Describing the root entity

When describing the root entity, the properties generally apply to the whole of the crate. For instance it is a good idea to give a description of why these resources are gathered in a crate, as well as giving the crate a name and license for FAIR reuse and citation.


Try to add the name, description and datePublished properties, and for license as a cross-reference, use SPDX license list to find the identifier for Creative Commons Zero or another license of your choice:

  "@id": "./",
  "@type": "Dataset",
  "hasPart": [ ],
  "name": "Example crate",
  "description": "I created this example by following the tutorial",
  "datePublished": "2023-05-22T12:03:00+0100",
  "license": { "@id": ""}

In the above solution, the identifier for CC0-1.0 is slightly different from their listed web page URI – the former is chosen to align with SPDX JSON-LD identifiers, which unfortunately are not shown directly on their website as permalinks. It is not a requirement in RO-Crate to use permalinks for @id of entities like licenses, it is nevertheless best practice to propagate permalinks where known.

Choosing a license appropriate for your dataset can be non-trivial, particularly if third-party data/software and multiple organizations are involved. See FAIR Cookbook on licensing. It is worth noting that an RO-Crate permits data entities to have a license different from the overall Crate license. It is still recommended to choose an overall Crate license that can legally apply across all the content in the RO-Crate Root.

About cross-references

In a RO-Crate Metadata Document, entities are cross-referenced using @id reference objects, rather than using deeply nested JSON objects. In short, this flattened JSON-LD style (shown below) allows any entity to reference any other entity, and RO-Crate consumers can directly find all the descriptions of a given entity as a single JSON object.

JSON block with id `ro-crate-metadata.json` has some attributes, `conformsTo` RO-Crate 1.2, and `about` referencing id `./`. In second JSON block with id <code>./</code> we see additional attributes such as its name and description.JSON block with id `ro-crate-metadata.json` has some attributes, `conformsTo` RO-Crate 1.2, and `about` referencing id `./`. In second JSON block with id ./ we see additional attributes such as its name and description.
Open image in new tab

Figure 2: showing RO-Crate Metadata descriptor's about property pointing at the RO-Crate Root entity with matching @id

Consider the root Data Entity ./, and add such a cross-reference to the file data.csv using the property called hasPart:

    "@id": "./",
    "@type": "Dataset",
    "hasPart": [
      {"@id": "data.csv"}
    "…": "…"

The RO-Crate root is always typed Dataset, though @type may in some cases have additional types by using a JSON array instead of a single value. Most entities can have such more specific types, e.g. chosen from type list.

  1. Navigate the type list to find a subtype of CreativeWork that is suitable for a learning resource..
  2. Modify the root entity’s @type to be an array.
  3. Add the type name for learning resource at the end of the array.
    "@id": "./",
    "@type": ["Dataset", "LearningResource"],
    "hasPart": [
      {"@id": "data.csv"}
    "…": "…"

The root has several metadata properties that describe the RO-Crate as a whole, considering it as a Research Object of collected resources. The section on root data entity details further the required and recommended properties of the root ./.

Data entities

A main type of resources collected in a Research Object is data – simplifying, we can consider data as any kind of file that can be opened in other programs. These are aggregated by the Root Dataset with the hasPart property. In this example we have an array with a single value, a reference to the entity describing the file data.csv.

RO-Crates can also contain data entities that are folders and Web resources, as well as non-File data like online databases – see section on data entities.

We should now be able to follow the @id reference for the corresponding data entity JSON block for our CSV file, which we need to add to the @graph of the RO-Crate Metadata Document.

  1. Add a declaration for the CSV file as new entity with @type declared as File.
  2. Give the file a human-readable name and description to detail it as Rainfall data for Katoomba in NSW Australia, captured February 2022.
  3. To add this is a CSV file, declare the encodingFormat as the appropriate IANA media type string.
    "@id": "data.csv",
    "@type": "File",
    "name": "Rainfall Katoomba 2022-02",
    "description": "Rainfall data for Katoomba, NSW Australia February 2022",
    "encodingFormat": "text/csv"

It is recommended that every entity has a human-readable name; as shown in the above example, this does not need to match the filename/identifier. The encodingFormat indicates the media file type so that consumers of the crate can open data.csv in an appropriate program, and can be particularly important for less common file extensions frequently encounted in outputs from research software and instruments.

For more information on describing files and folders, including their recommended and required attributes, see section on data entities.

  1. Consider if the file content of data.csv is not covered by our overall license (CC0), but Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 (which only permits non-commercial use)
  2. To override, add an license cross-reference property on this particular data entity
    "@id": "data.csv",
    "@type": "File",
    "name": "Rainfall Katoomba 2022-02",
    "description": "Rainfall data for Katoomba, NSW Australia February 2022",
    "encodingFormat": "text/csv",
    "license": { "@id": "" }

Contextual entities

Entities that we have added under hasPart are considered data entities, while entities only referenced from those are considered contextual entities – they help explain the crate and its content.

You may have noticed we’re adding incrementally to the @graph array. It is important to remember the , between each entity, except for the final entity in the JSON array; and likewise for the properties within the JSON object for each entity. This is an artefact of the strict JSON file format rules to simplify parsing. The order of the entities within the @graph JSON-LD array and the order of the keys within a JSON object is not significant. The graph content is given by the @id cross-references.

You may notice the subtle difference between a data entity that is conceptually part of the RO-Crate and is file-like (containing bytes), while a contextual entity is a representation of a real-life organization that can’t be downloaded: following the URL, we would only get its description. The section contextual entities explores several of the entities that can be added to the RO-Crate to provide it with a context, for instance how to link to authors and their affiliations. Simplifying slightly, a data entity is referenced from hasPart in a Dataset, while a contextual entity is referenced using any other defined property.

Detailing licenses

We have previously declared two different license cross-references. While following the URLs in this case explain the licenses well, it is also best practice to include a very brief summary of contextual entities in the RO-Crate Metadata Document. This is more important if the cross-reference do not use a permalink and may change over time. As a minimum, each referenced entity should have a @type and name property. It is also possible to add url for more information


Add a contextual entity for each of the two licenses, see the licensing section for details:

    "@id": "",
    "@type": "CreativeWork",
    "name": "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International",
    "description": "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International"
    "@id": "",
    "@type": "CreativeWork",
    "name": "CC0-1.0",
    "description": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal",
    "url": ""

An additional exercise is to try to unify the two entites so that both use spdx identifiers, remembering to update the corresponding license cross-references when changing the @id. However, not all licenses have a direct SPDX identifier.


Moving back to the RO-Crate root ./, let’s specify who are the authors of the crate.

  1. Add yourself as an author of the crate using the type Person
  2. Include your preferred name.
  3. If you don’t have an ORCID, you may use either the URL of your main home page at your institution, or a crate-local identifier like #alice.
  4. Include your affiliation as a string value.
  "@id": "./",
  "@type": "Dataset",
  "author": {"@id": ""},
  "…": "…"
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "Person",
  "name": "Josiah Carberry",
  "affiliation": "Brown University"

When we say someone is an author of a crate, it means they have contributed something substansively to its content (typically the data). Agreement on what is considered authorship on a dataset can be tricky; you may decide some people would be better represented as contributor. One advantage of RO-Crate is that authorship can be declared explicitly also on each data entity, so it can be clearer where each person have contributed (e.g. a statistician is author of an R script). This means that generally the authors of the crate can be a broader, more inclusive list than perhaps traditionally recognized as academic authorship.

  1. “Unroll” your affiliation of the person as cross-reference to another contextual entity, typed as an Organization.
  2. You can use ROR to find an identifier for most educational/research institutions, or you can use the main web page of your organization as its @id.
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "Person",
  "name": "Josiah Carberry"
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "Organization",
  "name": "Brown University",
  "url": ""

The reuse of existing identifiers is important for both persons and organization from a FAIR perspective, as their names may not be globally unique.

  1. Now imagine you are going to publish the RO-Crate on your institution’s web pages.
  2. Cross-reference the same Organization entity with publisher from the RO-Crate Root entitity:
    "@id": "./",
    "@type": "Dataset",
    "publisher": {"@id": ""},
    "…": "…"

Validating and visualizing

As we made this RO-Crate Metadata File by hand, it’s good to check for any JSON errors, such as missing/extra , or unclosed " quotes. Try pasting the file content into the JSON-LD Playground. It should show up any errors, for example:

JSON markup - SyntaxError: JSON.parse: expected `','` or `']'` after array element
at line 29 column 5 of the JSON data

Modify the JSON file in your editor to fix any such errors. You can also use editor commands such as Format Document to ensure you have consistent spacing, indentation and brackets.

If the document passes without errors in the JSON-LD Playground, you should see output under Expanded looking something like:

    "@id": "ro-crate-metadata.json",
    "@type": [
    "": [
        "@id": "./"
    "": [
        "@id": ""
    "@id": "./",
    "@type": [
    "…": "…"

This verbose listing of the JSON-LD shows how the @context has correctly expanded the keys, but is not particularly readable. Try the Visualized tab to see an interactive rendering of the entities:

Visualized in the JSON-LD Playground.

As the RO-Crate Metadata Document is valid JSON-LD it is also possible to process it using Linked Data technologies such as triple stores and SPARQL queries. It is beyond the scope of this tutorial to explain this aspect fully, but interested readers should consider how to handle relative URI references. As an example, try the Table button and notice that the entities with relative identifiers are not included. This is because when converting to RDF you need absolute URIs which do not readily exist when a crate is stored on disk, we’ve not decided where the crate is to be published yet.

Advanced: Converting JSON-LD to triples

Try modify the graph’s @context within the JSON-LD Playground (don’t modify the ro-crate-metadata.json on disk), and revisit the Table rendering.

  "@context": [
    { "@base": "arcp://uuid,deffa754-c764-4e04-aabf-e600c6200553/" }
  "…": "…"

Triples table in the JSON-LD Playground.

Above arcp://uuid,deffa754-c764-4e04-aabf-e600c6200553/ is a randomly generated identifier to represent the RO-Crate root, and now the JSON-LD Playground can show all the triples from the metadata file. You can likewise use the N-Quads button to convert the metadata file to the RDF N-Quads format. Most RDF libraries and stores have JSON-LD support, but may need to specify a base URI as we did above, making a new UUID for each imported RO-Crate.

HTML preview

An RO-Crate can be distributed on disk, in a packaged format such as a zip file or disk image, or placed on a static website. In any of these cases, an RO-Crate can have an accompanying HTML version (ro-crate-metadata.html) designed to be human-readable.

Example dataset for RO-Crate specification.


Try navigating the preview of the running example and find:

  1. What is the license of the rainfall CSV?
  2. What is the affiliation of the crate’s author?
  3. What does the Validity Check inspect
  4. What is not covered by this check?
  1. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International
  2. Brown University
  3. The context, and for root dataset: existance, valid identifier, name, description, license and date published.
  4. The other entities were not checked, e.g. the affiliation of the author.

Advanced: Generating HTML preview

If you have Node JS installed, you can install and try the ro-crate-html tool on your crate1 folder:

npm i -g ro-crate-html
rochtml crate1/ro-crate-metadata.json

Or if you have Docker, something like:

docker pull simleo/rochtml
docker run -v $(pwd):/crate -it simleo/rochtml -c ro-crate-preview_files /crate/ro-crate-metadata.json

The above will generate a ro-crate-preview.html file within your RO-Crate Root. Experiment with modifying the Metadata file and re-generating the HTML preview to see how your rendering differs from the running example.

Next steps

You have completed making a basic RO-Crate. You may try any of the following:

  • Add and describe additional data entities, adding additional properties for data entities
  • Follow the RO-Crate specification for additional contextual entities you can add to the crate
  • Try briefly describing provenance or software for any additional data entities you have added.
Question: Complete RO-Crate Metadata Document

The final RO-Crate Metadata Document constructed in this tutorial should look something like:

  "@context": "",
  "@graph": [
      "@id": "ro-crate-metadata.json",
      "@type": "CreativeWork",
      "conformsTo": {"@id": ""},
      "about": {"@id": "./"}
      "@id": "./",
      "@type": ["Dataset", "LearningResource"],
      "hasPart": [
        {"@id": "data.csv"}
      "name": "Example dataset for RO-Crate specification",
      "description": "Official rainfall readings for Katoomba, NSW 2022, Australia",
      "datePublished": "2023-05-22T12:03:00+0100",
      "license": {"@id": ""},
      "author": { "@id": "" },
      "publisher": {"@id": ""}
      "@id": "data.csv",
      "@type": "File",
      "name": "Rainfall Katoomba 2022-02",
      "description": "Rainfall data for Katoomba, NSW Australia February 2022",
      "encodingFormat": "text/csv",
      "license": {"@id": ""}
      "@id": "",
      "@type": "CreativeWork",
      "name": "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International",
      "description": "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International"
      "@id": "",
      "@type": "CreativeWork",
      "name": "CC0-1.0",
      "description": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal",
      "url": ""
      "@id": "",
      "@type": "Person",
      "name": "Josiah Carberry",
      "affiliation": {
        "@id": ""
      "@id": "",
      "@type": "Organization",
      "name": "Brown University",
      "url": ""

Copyright and license

© Copyright 2021-2023 University of Technology Sydney, The University of Manchester UK and RO-Crate contributors.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


This tutorial has been adapted from the revised RO-Crate introduction for 1.2 by Stian Soiland-Reyes. Changes include:

  • Rewriting to tutorial style with exercises
  • Adaptation to Galaxy Training Material rendering
  • Explicit links to RO-Crate specifications
  • Example changed to different organization and license