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Galaxy Interactive Tools



last_modification Published: Mar 2, 2020
last_modification Last Updated: Sep 25, 2024



@hexylena, @bgruening, and @jmchilton create Galaxy Interactive Environments (GIEs)

GIEs use Galaxy’s visualization framework to run certain types of interactive visualizations (e.g. Jupyter Notebook)

GIEs run in a docker container on the Galaxy server or a single remote Docker server

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Support for Docker Swarm is added, allowing running a cluster for GIEs

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@blankenberg creates Galaxy Interactive Tools (GxITs)

Building on the GIE concept, but run as tools

Tools run just as any other Galaxy job (e.g. via Slurm, HTCondor)

You will sometimes see Interactive Tools referred to as Interactive Environments version 2

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Tool config syntax

<tool id="interactive_tool_jupyter_notebook" tool_type="interactive" name="Interactive Jupyter Notebook" version="0.1">
        <container type="docker"></container>
        <entry_point name="Jupyter Interactive Tool" requires_domain="True">

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Mapping clients to containers

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Anatomy of a running Interactive Tool

Galaxy Interactive Tools Proxy Diagram

.reduce70[.footnote[The source for this figure can be found at:]]

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Galaxy configuration

Enable docker on a destination in job_conf.xml and assign your GxITs to that destination

.left[Set in galaxy.yml:]

interactivetools_enable: true
interactivetools_map: /srv/galaxy/var/gie-proxy-sessions.sqlite

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Proxy configuration

Use the proxy configuration that ships with Galaxy

Or the Node.js-based proxy

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The default docker-enabled container exposes all datasets to the tool

Normally this isn’t bad (normal tools can’t be controlled by the user)

Interactive tools are fully user controllable

Solution: Embedded Pulsar

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Embedded Pulsar

Runs a Pulsar server within the Galaxy application to “stage” (i.e. copy) inputs.

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Thank you!

This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the Galaxy Training Network and all the contributors! page logo Tutorial Content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.