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Introduction to SRA Aligned Read Format and Cloud Metadata for SARS-CoV-2


Authors: Jon Trow avatar Jon Trow



last_modification Published: Jun 3, 2021
last_modification Last Updated: Jun 14, 2024

Why have SRA data in the cloud?

What data is in scope for this training?

Introduction to SRA aligned read format and associated metadata

Using aligned read format


.pull-right[ graph with one large node of SRA aligned reads leading to three other nodes: FASTQ, SAM, Fasta contigs (new) ]

Accessing SRA metadata in the cloud

Available SRA metadata

SRA aligned read metadata:

SRA data in the cloud


.pull-right[ .image-100[screenshot of google cloud ncbi covid-19 project website] .image-100[screenshot of aws ncbi covid-19 project website] ]

Key Points

Thank you!

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